Enhance Nasal Function and Appearance

A revision rhinoplasty is necessary when the patient is unhappy with the function and/or appearance of their nose after a prior procedure. When this occurs, there are few experts more qualified than Dr. James M. Ridgway – a leading ENT specialist and reconstructive and facial plastic surgeon in Seattle – to address the issues that concern you most and give you the nose you wanted the first time around.

Reasons for a Revision Nose Job

There are countless reasons you may require a secondary rhinoplasty procedure to correct your previous one. The most common ones include:

Breathing Challenges

In some unfortunate cases, a rhinoplasty can create breathing difficulties where previously there were none. This occurs when the alterations made to the nasal structure obstruct the airways, leading to trouble breathing and chronic snoring. In these cases, our Seattle revision rhinoplasty can remove the cause of the obstruction and restore your ability to breathe with ease.

A Nose That Does Not Meet Your Expectations

In many cases, men and women undergo a nose job to create the perfect nose for their faces. Unfortunately, that is not always the outcome, and you may find that you are still unhappy with your appearance after the procedure. When this occurs, Dr. Ridgway can make the necessary corrections to achieve the beautiful nose you deserve.

A Nose That is Too Wide or Too Thin

In some cases, a surgeon may accidentally widen or thin the nose, creating an undesirable cosmetic effect. When this occurs, a revision nose job with a leading facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon, like Dr. Ridgway, can restore a balanced look.

A Nose That Looks Artificial

Rhinoplasty is an art form, and not every surgeon gets it right. Many of our Seattle revision rhinoplasty patients complain that their nose looks artificial and like it’s been worked on. In these cases, Dr. Ridgway possesses the rare ability to correct the issue, sculpting a beautiful and extremely natural-looking nose.

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An Overview of the Revision Rhinoplasty Procedure

As a revision rhinoplasty patient, we will administer general anesthesia to ensure your comfort and safety. Dr. Ridgway will then make a precise incision underneath the nose before lifting the nasal skin to achieve an unobstructed view of the underlying structure. From there, he will correct the problems associated with your previous procedure, such as an undesirable cosmetic effect or functional issue. Once your ideal nose has been accomplished, Dr. Ridgway will close the incision with very fine sutures to ensure a discreet and completely natural final outcome.

What to Expect During Recovery

When you wake up from your procedure, you will have a splint and bandages around your nose. This is done to protect your new nasal structure as it heals. You will then be provided with detailed instructions regarding post-operative care before being sent home to complete the recovery process. On the evening of your surgery, Dr. Ridgway will call to check in and answer any immediate questions you may have.

For the first two weeks after surgery, you can expect to experience some bruising and swelling that will subside on its own over time. During this initial recovery phase, it’s important to keep your head elevated and still promote healing and minimize any discomfort. Although the length of your recovery will vary depending on your unique circumstances, most of our Bellevue & Seattle revision rhinoplasty patients are able to return to work within ten days.

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Schedule Your Consultation

If you are unhappy with the appearance and/or function of your nose after a previous nose job, we encourage you to schedule a consultation for among the best revision rhinoplasty Bellevue has to offer Dr. James M. Ridgway today. During your private meeting, he will carefully evaluate the imperfections that concern you most before composing a custom treatment plan designed to create the balanced, beautiful, and natural-looking nose you desire.

Schedule A Consultation

If you are ready to refresh and rejuvenate your look today, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with one of the best plastic surgeons Seattle has to offer: Dr. James M. Ridgway. During your private consultation Dr. Ridgway will carefully evaluate your face and the subtle imperfections that concern you most before providing you with a personalized blend of Bellevue cosmetic surgery procedures that will help you achieve your ideal facial appearance.

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